Sunday, October 9, 2011

Almost 2 years!

Well it has been a while since last I posted. :) (I forgot I even had this until I saw it on my Mom's computer.) So much has happened. We are living in a new home right across the street from the Timpanogos Temple. What a blessing! My children are growing and developing into wonderful young men. My "baby" is now 3 years old. We may have another on the way in the next little while. Whatever the Lord wants for us to do , we will do. He has poured blessings down upon our family. So many I cannot count them. I feel so blessed and happy. I will try to keep this going a bit more. (At least more than every 2 years.) Ha.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

a bit of heaven on earth.

you know.... it's nice to have a reminder now and then that the tough times we go through are short in the end and oh so worth going through.

i get a glimpse of what heaven will be like every so often. it can be the most subtle thing that triggers it to. just a glance from my loving husband, the thought of my boys all grown up around me, leading their own lives...... having their own families.

well, this last weekend we went to bryce canyon with friends and family. when i looked around the different sites, i just marveled at the beauty. this was another testimony to me that i have a loving father in heaven. i wondered while looking at the awesome beauty of our earth, how one could ever contest the exsistance of an all powerful, loving god. just doesn't quite click for me. it was incredible. and being there with my loved ones was another little glimpse of what heaven will be like. just incredible.

this is but a small moment in time. if endured well...... , well...... we will be awesomely blessed.


Thursday, February 5, 2009


tonight i was able to sing at "all that jazz". it's a great little venue and there are some awesome jazz musicians. debra bonner being one of them. i have been joining debra bonner in a voice class she holds on friday nights. she asked me if i would sing a song at her jazz night and i agreed. there is one thing about me, well there are many things about me, but there is this about me..... i have terrible stage fright. there you have it. so the more that i get out there and sing and get in front of people, the less the stage fright will bother me, right? i really felt like my heart would jump out of my chest. i had to remind myself to breath. i kept yawning. is that strange or what. but i went through with it. i knew that i needed to. i need to get better at doing this. i love to sing and i want to share my talent with others. (well part of me does and the other part of me wants to crawl under a rock and never show my face again.) i am so strange. so i am going with the part of me who wants to share and develop my talents. well.... it was fun and i think i did an o.k. job. i enjoyed myself and didn't faint. yay me. not fainting is a good step. well i have never really fainted, but you know what i mean. thanks for listening to me ramble, i think i still have the nerves goin' crazy in me. i ramble when i am nervous. can you tell? :)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

my modern day miracle.... really!

every time i need something i ask my Father in Heaven. he always answers my prayers. it may not be the answer i want, but he answers non the less. well about 2 weeks ago my mom lost some tickets i gave to her. i suggested that she pray to find them and i would do the same. when i prayed, i had the feeling that it was out of my hands. that it was my mom's thing. i didn't really like that answer. i was a bit offended. don't ask me why, but i was. (you are really seeing a major weakness of mine, kinda getting to know the real me.) my mom didn't find the tickets until it was too late. so, i wondered why my prayer didn't help my mom find these tickets. what went wrong? did i do something to make the Lord slow to hear my prayer. I really took this hard. (silly, i know.)
well a while later, i lost my cell phone. i just could not find it. one day went by... then 2.... i tried to call it. then 3 days. my parents tried to call it. eventually my phone died so that now every time we would call it would go straight to my voice mail. a week had gone by and i really didn't want to pray for help in finding it because i felt that my prayer just wouldn't be answered and i would loose even more faith. (the more i write of this story, the more i see how silly i was.) there are some phone numbers on my cell that are very important, and i needed them. finally after a week and a half i decided to pray for help.
i let Heavenly Father know all i had been going through, apologizing about my getting offended, yet letting him know that i was lacking the faith that i felt i would need to get the help i was asking for. but, i asked to be blessed with faith. (this may seem so silly to you, but it was such a huge thing for me. knowing that my Father in Heaven cares enough for me that he would help me find a silly ol' cell phone. that's a big deal to me.) anyways.... i asked to have him help me to think of places to look. i would do the work of looking, but i needed to know where to even start. i thought that i had looked every where. oh, i had added in that the numbers on my cell where for people who really needed me to call them, so this wasn't just for my sake, it was for the sake of many others who needed me. i had the thought to look in my couch. now, was that me making this up or was it an inspiration? i shoved the dout aside and tried my hardest to practice my faith. well i went to bed knowing that the next day i would search the couch.
in the back of my mind all morning i was thinking about my searching the couch. then in all the hustle and bustle i forgot. i happened to sit on the couch and as i looked over to the arm rest, there it was, my dead cell phone!!!! i was so surprised and happy. i called all my boys in and told them that the night before i had prayed and asked for help in finding my phone and then there it was. we all knelt down and said a prayer thanking Father for this little miracle.
later i called todd to see where he found my phone. this is the story he told me. he had just said goodbye to me. he was on his way to work. i was on my way to bed. ( todd leaves around 12:30am. i had stayed up so i could say goodbye to him.) well he had brought his extra pair of clothes down stairs and set them on the couch. he sat down to get his shoes on and he heard a buzzing sound. he thought it was his phone so he checked it out. it didn't look like it was his phone. he heard the buzzing again and knew it wasn't his phone. he knew my phone was near..... so he checked in the couch. between a console and the recliner chair on the couch. there it was. he set it on the arm rest. then went to work.
now when i heard this story i was so stoked. it was in the couch. I was praying for this right around the same time todd was finding it. talk about proof that Heavenly Father hears and answers my prayers.
later on i realized one more thing. over a week ago my phone had died. all calls had been going directly to my voice mail. it was totally off and dead. how did todd hear the buzzing of a completely dead phone? nice..... just a nice little touch to my modern day miracle.
this whole situation wasn't just about a lost cell phone. it was about my faith and trust in my Heavenly Father. it is so incredible to me that no matter how lame i can be, Heavenly Father still helps me and validates my feelings. I am truly blessed and i know Heavenly Father hears and answers my prayers. He loves me too. Thanks for listening to me.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

"Come What May and Love It"

Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin passes away last night. I sure loved his talk he gave at the last general conference. "Come what may and love it." He is an incredible man. I am happy to know that he is reunited with his sweet wife. He has left behind many wonderful talks and has been a great example to the world. I love him and will miss him.

Monday, December 1, 2008

are we there yet?

some times i wonder if i am there yet. just a bit tired and wanna go home. but then i think of all the fun i am having and it's all worth it.

the journey is the part to enjoy. president monson's talk, "joy in the journey", has been on my mind. my home teachers gave it as our families lesson on sunday. (by the way, i love our home teachers!) really, i love the part where pres. monson says, "pile up enough tomorrows and you'll have a lot of empty yesterdays". something to that affect. it's so true. i need to enjoy now, do now, be now...... of course i need to plan for the future and i do look forward to what tomorrow will be.

i feel i have been happy with "now". it's been hard to be with someone who was looking forward to tomorrow rather than having "joy in the journey". well yesterday was a great day. our main level was pretty messy. our home teachers came over. i warned them to watch where they were stepping soo they wouldn't trip. it really wasn't too bad. we all sat down and they mentioned how it's hard to keep a house clean with 4 Little boys. i agreed and todd said something that i have been waiting for for years. he has finally accepted that the house will be kinda crazy until the boys grow up and move out. he talked about how he's enjoying this time for what it is. I mentioned that yes we will be in a messy house for years, but we don't give up. we keep trying and trying and trying and..... we all talked about this for a while and it lead right into the lesson, "joy in the journey". what a relief to have todd be, well maybe not the exactly on the same page as me, but he is at least in the same book as i am. :)

totally off the subject, todd laid down the straw all over our lasagna garden. now just the leaves and we are set. i am so excited for this!!!

well off to sleep so i can have joy in my journey tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

more with the poop.....

today i did a ton!!!! still not every little thing, but i am very pleased. todd and i even did more in the yard. we are turning part of our lawn into a garden. to do this we put down a mixture of newspaper, card board and egg cartons. then we shoveled more poop, or manure, onto that. the final 2 steps will be straw and leaves. this is the lasagna gardening i heard about. supposedly there is no need to remove the grass. we do this layering thing and by the time spring rolls around, it will be nice ground to plant in. we will see if it works. the compost cantainer is 100% finished. i am so excited. i never knew i would get so thrilled over different types of poop. but i sure am!!!!

when i think of my garden, i think of Heavenly Father's love for me. for us, his children. something as disgusting as poop is a blessing in disguise. he has made every thing that we need out of the things on our planet. i never would have thought that there would be any good to come from poop. but there is. i know there is a ton we have no clue about.

well i am getting delirious. need sleep.... so tired...... i am off to enjoy every moment.................. of sleep..... hee hee....