Tuesday, December 16, 2008

my modern day miracle.... really!

every time i need something i ask my Father in Heaven. he always answers my prayers. it may not be the answer i want, but he answers non the less. well about 2 weeks ago my mom lost some tickets i gave to her. i suggested that she pray to find them and i would do the same. when i prayed, i had the feeling that it was out of my hands. that it was my mom's thing. i didn't really like that answer. i was a bit offended. don't ask me why, but i was. (you are really seeing a major weakness of mine, kinda getting to know the real me.) my mom didn't find the tickets until it was too late. so, i wondered why my prayer didn't help my mom find these tickets. what went wrong? did i do something to make the Lord slow to hear my prayer. I really took this hard. (silly, i know.)
well a while later, i lost my cell phone. i just could not find it. one day went by... then 2.... i tried to call it. then 3 days. my parents tried to call it. eventually my phone died so that now every time we would call it would go straight to my voice mail. a week had gone by and i really didn't want to pray for help in finding it because i felt that my prayer just wouldn't be answered and i would loose even more faith. (the more i write of this story, the more i see how silly i was.) there are some phone numbers on my cell that are very important, and i needed them. finally after a week and a half i decided to pray for help.
i let Heavenly Father know all i had been going through, apologizing about my getting offended, yet letting him know that i was lacking the faith that i felt i would need to get the help i was asking for. but, i asked to be blessed with faith. (this may seem so silly to you, but it was such a huge thing for me. knowing that my Father in Heaven cares enough for me that he would help me find a silly ol' cell phone. that's a big deal to me.) anyways.... i asked to have him help me to think of places to look. i would do the work of looking, but i needed to know where to even start. i thought that i had looked every where. oh, i had added in that the numbers on my cell where for people who really needed me to call them, so this wasn't just for my sake, it was for the sake of many others who needed me. i had the thought to look in my couch. now, was that me making this up or was it an inspiration? i shoved the dout aside and tried my hardest to practice my faith. well i went to bed knowing that the next day i would search the couch.
in the back of my mind all morning i was thinking about my searching the couch. then in all the hustle and bustle i forgot. i happened to sit on the couch and as i looked over to the arm rest, there it was, my dead cell phone!!!! i was so surprised and happy. i called all my boys in and told them that the night before i had prayed and asked for help in finding my phone and then there it was. we all knelt down and said a prayer thanking Father for this little miracle.
later i called todd to see where he found my phone. this is the story he told me. he had just said goodbye to me. he was on his way to work. i was on my way to bed. ( todd leaves around 12:30am. i had stayed up so i could say goodbye to him.) well he had brought his extra pair of clothes down stairs and set them on the couch. he sat down to get his shoes on and he heard a buzzing sound. he thought it was his phone so he checked it out. it didn't look like it was his phone. he heard the buzzing again and knew it wasn't his phone. he knew my phone was near..... so he checked in the couch. between a console and the recliner chair on the couch. there it was. he set it on the arm rest. then went to work.
now when i heard this story i was so stoked. it was in the couch. I was praying for this right around the same time todd was finding it. talk about proof that Heavenly Father hears and answers my prayers.
later on i realized one more thing. over a week ago my phone had died. all calls had been going directly to my voice mail. it was totally off and dead. how did todd hear the buzzing of a completely dead phone? nice..... just a nice little touch to my modern day miracle.
this whole situation wasn't just about a lost cell phone. it was about my faith and trust in my Heavenly Father. it is so incredible to me that no matter how lame i can be, Heavenly Father still helps me and validates my feelings. I am truly blessed and i know Heavenly Father hears and answers my prayers. He loves me too. Thanks for listening to me.


Anaise said...

That's a good story. I'm glad you shared it. My faith has been quite weak lately, and I do believe you gave it a little boost.

Judy Francisco said...

I love your story--that's how it works for me too. Once in Hermosa Beach my big old dumb cat disappeared and I felt like God was tired of me asking him for help in keeping track of my cat, so after asking around the neighborhood, I just gave him up for gone forever. Then a lady in Relief Society reminded me that we're supposed to pray for EVERYTHING, even animals, so Rhyetta and I knelt in prayer and asked for Remi's safe return. The next morning Rhyetta found him in the middle of the rug in our family room--he just laid there and meowed. He had been hit by a car and had a broken pelvis--couldn't walk (other things too). She thought I had brought him in, I thought she had brought him in--we never found out how he got inside our house. But I know it was Heavenly Father who answered our prayer. Wow, that's so cool... I always get tears when I think about it.

dianna andersen said...

wow Judy.... that is incredible. thanks for sharing!
anaise.... thanks for always making nice comments.
you both rock!

Scott said...

I really enjoyed that story. I too once had a similar miracle story. Thanks for sharing.

Jillbee said...

Dianna- just found your blog. I loved your story. Thanks for helping me stop and listen. I need to do that more often.