Thursday, February 5, 2009


tonight i was able to sing at "all that jazz". it's a great little venue and there are some awesome jazz musicians. debra bonner being one of them. i have been joining debra bonner in a voice class she holds on friday nights. she asked me if i would sing a song at her jazz night and i agreed. there is one thing about me, well there are many things about me, but there is this about me..... i have terrible stage fright. there you have it. so the more that i get out there and sing and get in front of people, the less the stage fright will bother me, right? i really felt like my heart would jump out of my chest. i had to remind myself to breath. i kept yawning. is that strange or what. but i went through with it. i knew that i needed to. i need to get better at doing this. i love to sing and i want to share my talent with others. (well part of me does and the other part of me wants to crawl under a rock and never show my face again.) i am so strange. so i am going with the part of me who wants to share and develop my talents. well.... it was fun and i think i did an o.k. job. i enjoyed myself and didn't faint. yay me. not fainting is a good step. well i have never really fainted, but you know what i mean. thanks for listening to me ramble, i think i still have the nerves goin' crazy in me. i ramble when i am nervous. can you tell? :)


Anaise said...

Woo-hoo! I think you're brave and terrific for doing it! I'll happily teach a class, speak in sacrament meeting, play the piano, or lead the singing in Primary . . . but there's something different about singing in public . . . I'd rather pull out my eyelashes than sing in public. I repeat--I think you're brave and terrific!

Judy Francisco said...

Wow, I am SO impressed! Keep plugging through that fear! I don't know ANYBODY who doesn't get stage fright; why do we think there are people who don't?!

Jillbee said...

You go girl! I am so impressed with what you are doing. I loved talking to you one the phone the other day.
I also got your message. I will have at least Casie take the lessons! Thanks!

Mary Bonham said...

Dianna, you did great! I was very impressed. I was just sitting there pondering the fact that you have my genes in you! Wow! That is the coolest!

Dad is still trying to figure out how to get our recording on YouTube. You are beautiful!

The pianist was AWESOME, too!

rubber_thoughts said...

I remember your great singing voice, and your stage fright. :-) No crawling under rocks allowed. Oh, and I totally want to see the video if it goes up on youtube.