Tuesday, November 25, 2008

more with the poop.....

today i did a ton!!!! still not every little thing, but i am very pleased. todd and i even did more in the yard. we are turning part of our lawn into a garden. to do this we put down a mixture of newspaper, card board and egg cartons. then we shoveled more poop, or manure, onto that. the final 2 steps will be straw and leaves. this is the lasagna gardening i heard about. supposedly there is no need to remove the grass. we do this layering thing and by the time spring rolls around, it will be nice ground to plant in. we will see if it works. the compost cantainer is 100% finished. i am so excited. i never knew i would get so thrilled over different types of poop. but i sure am!!!!

when i think of my garden, i think of Heavenly Father's love for me. for us, his children. something as disgusting as poop is a blessing in disguise. he has made every thing that we need out of the things on our planet. i never would have thought that there would be any good to come from poop. but there is. i know there is a ton we have no clue about.

well i am getting delirious. need sleep.... so tired...... i am off to enjoy every moment.................. of sleep..... hee hee....


Mary Bonham said...

Isn't it so cool how the weather has been perfect for being able to prepare the garden? It couldn't be more beautiful!

Anaise said...

Your lasagna gardening techniques will work--we've done them with great success.

We were going to work on our yard this weekend, but we're supposedly in for some not-so-garden-friendly winter weather. Sigh. Maybe the predictions will be wrong.

Happy Thanksgiving!